Oily Girl Struggles: Fav K Beauty Product For the Summer!


Cos De BAHA 
Niacinamide 20%
Zinc PCA 4%

Amazon for $13.45

What can I say the Summer time is truly not the best season for my oily skin! I always end up with a shiny face at the end of the day and my face feeling very oily. Now I have been using the Ordinary 10% and Naturium 12% Niacinaminde serums during the cooler months which was perfect for my skin. The summer wasn't so great and I have been open to more K Beauty products being that they tend to be more cleaner. This product was a perfect fine for my oily skin for the summer, but I don't recommend this to anyone who is not overly oily or have average skin. It can cause your skin to get a bit overly dry, which it has happened to me a few times. I simply make sure I apply my jojoba oil to my face at night just to restore moisture back into my skin. Honestly my summer breakouts have been minimized tremendously and its UNDER $20 Look at God!  

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